Welcome to Connect the Dots!
NOTE: This substack is under construction until January 2025. If you arrive here before then, welcome! Please enjoy the plentiful and high-value resources in the space that used to be behind a paywall. It’s all now yours to enjoy for free as this space is transforming into it’s new and improved form 🙂
I’m so glad you found your way to this first-of-its-kind space. Here, you will learn why The Gene Keys are an eye-opening, transformative tool for self-discovery unlike any other. Here, you will learn how this Gene Keys system is intimately connected to the role your nervous system is helping you survive and thrive in life.
Within this space, you will hone your self-mastery skills, which will help you kick “survival mode” to curb and make thriving your default mode. This will be your one-stop-shop to find all the bite-sized resources that you need to lead the life you know you’re capable of, with nothing holding you back. I’m honored to guide you on this journey. Here is a lay of the land so you know exactly what you’re walking into here.
Platform Basics
Welcome to the Substack platform! For any questions you have about using the actual app itself, the Substack Help Center will be your best place to go.
Accessing this space:
Log in on your desktop and pin this site to your browser bookmarks so you have easy access. (this is the most user-friendly way to access the content since it will be viewed in the most organized layout)
Download the app onto your phone and set the app to be on your home screen so it’s at top of mind.
Connect the Dots Features
Home: (desktop view only) This will bring you back to the main page where you can find the most recent and pinned posts.
Posts: (mobile view only) This is where you’ll find the most recent and pinned posts. The tags below separate what type of resource the content is, so you can find what you need more easily. The tags are easily laid out into sections on the desktop or mobile web browser view (www.chrissypapetti.substack.com), not the mobile app.
Start Here = Pretty self-explanatory! Start with reviewing the resources in this tag before you dive into the materials in other sections.
Learn = This is where you’ll find ALL the teachings on my proprietary Connect The Dots Method and related concepts. It covers theory and application of science-based systems (Gene Keys, Polyvagal Theory) to rewire your nervous system to thrive.
Toolkit = This is where you’ll find the tools to learn or use on-the-spot to self-regulate and transform your fear into freedom.
Chat: This is where the community can engage with each other, ask questions, share breakthroughs, and connect.
About: This provides an overview of the experience.
Podcast: This is where audio resources will live that showcase the application of the CTD method and philosophy. There may be “Spotlight” episodes with guests that have different gene keys and circumstances to bring everything you’re learning to life. We’ll all grow and expand through others’ examples!
Connect the Dots Experience
Everything you need, all in one place. This self-mastery hub is designed so it’s somewhere you can turn to daily to find guidance, answers to your questions, community connection, and resources to help you in real-time with any challenges you’re facing.
You’ll learn more about the philosophy and science, but as you may already know, the nervous system needs to become your ally in life for you to fully thrive. My Connect the Dots Method fuses The Gene Keys, Polyvagal Theory, and many scientific principles to give you a tried-and-true process to figure out how you’re designed to thrive in life.
The thing is… life is life. While it’s unpredictable, we do have influence over ourselves. And the sooner and better we master our mind-body connection, our behavior patterns, our beliefs, and our sense of self… the more prepared we are to use challenges to strengthen us, not deter us.
There’s no one-size-fits-all, which is why I wanted to create a space of ever-growing teachings and tools that cover the full spectrum of the human experience… not just a watered down course that generalizes the change process.
Trust the process and know that this space will continue to grow and evolve alongside you, especially in its first year of existence! Any feedback, concerns, thoughts, or ideas are more than welcome here to make this the best experience is can be for you!
Let’s get to thriving, shall we?