The Method: Path 1
Learn the first of two paths you can take to connect the dots in your life using your Gene Keys profile information as the guidance system.
Now that you understand the foundations for the Connect the Dots (CTD) Method, it’s time to learn how to put the method into action using The Gene Keys and Polyvagal Theory! One step at a time…
By now, you’ve learned:
The overall CTD Method science-based philosophy and how it’ll help you get unstuck in any area of life
What The Gene Keys are and how/why they work to create change in your life
What Polyvagal Theory is and how/why it’s essential to retrain your brain and nervous system out of survival so you can thrive
How The Gene Keys and Polyvagal Theory connect and compliment each other to spark deeper and REAL lasting change
What the 8 Survival Archetypes are and how they are programmed to protect you, including their advantages to leverage as you move forward
It was essential to know these foundational theories, systems, and concepts so you can now work with The Gene Keys and your nervous system effectively using Chrissy’s proprietary CTD Method.
PSA: Moving forward you’re learning how to use new tools and concepts within a brand new methodology. Give yourself patience and grace as you start to integrate all of this information into your life. Just like you wouldn’t expect a brain surgeon to operate immediately upon learning about the brain, don’t expect everything to click instantaneously to create the exact change you want. Trust the process. And one thing I can promise with certainty is that it will click for you!
The Two Paths
To make the CTD Method as inclusive and accessible as possible, I’ve created two complimentary but distinct paths to working with The Gene Keys within the CTD Method:
Path 1: This path is for anyone who wants to use their personalized Gene Keys profile as their guidance system to navigate their limiting survival patterns. Because the Gene Keys profile is generated from your birth information and therefore, contains info drawn from planetary placements and astrological influence, this is a scientific and spiritual path to revealing and retraining your patterns.
Path 2: This path is for anyone who wants to use the 8 Survival Archetypes as their guidance system to navigate their limiting survival patterns. Because the 8 Survival Archetypes are based upon proven behavioral and psychological themes in human nature, this is a primarily scientific path to revealing and retraining your patterns as opposed to spiritual.
You are free to use both paths after learning them. And you’ll even be able to integrate both paths to find clarity. However, for simplicity sake, I highly recommend learning about both of them now and then choosing one path to commit to as you start to experiment with the method for the first time. To start, we are going to dive into Path 1!
CTD Method: Path 1
To take Path 1 and connect the dots in your life, you’ll need your Gene Keys profile. Click here to download your free profile before you go further or pull up your profile now.
In Path 1, there are multiple steps to help you identify where you want clarity, which gene key to work with, and how to retrain your nervous system to create desired change. Let’s break down the general steps (more specificity to come in next post):
Focus: Identity the life area you want to change or find clarity in —
Life Purpose
Love & Relationships
Health & Wellbeing
Specify: Within each category, further identify what specific issue you want to change or find clarity in:
Life Purpose: examples could be sense of purpose, self-expression, etc.
Love & Relationships: examples could be sexuality, needs & values, etc.
Career: examples could be career direction, zone of genius, etc.
Money: money magnetism, prosperous collaborators or customers, etc.
Health & Wellbeing: examples could be general health, mental wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, etc.
Select Gene Key: Depending on your specific area of focus, you’ll select a certain sphere in your Gene Keys profile whose gene key will correspond to and provide clarity for that theme.
Survival Pattern: You’ll explore the “shadow” of this particular gene key and discover how its influencing your life experience.
Brain Retraining: You’ll embody the “gift” of this particular gene key using targeted brain retraining tools, practices, and experiences to shift your nervous system from survive to thrive mode.
Thrive Pattern: You’ll use the “siddhi” of this particular gene key as the aspirational state of thriving and safety that you want to access and sustain to thrive.
Focus Area Finder
Let’s break down which life areas correspond to which spheres in your Gene Keys profile, so you know where to start to look for clarity… starting today!
Life Purpose
“Life’s Work” sphere: to find clarity around your life’s direction and/or authentic identity
“Purpose” sphere: to find clarity around your authentic self-expression and/or what brings you a sense of purpose
“Evolution” sphere": to find clarity around the specific challenge you’re here to face in life to evolve to your potential
Love & Relationships
“Attraction” sphere: to find clarity around your sexuality and what/who you magnetize in your relationships
“Purpose” sphere: to find clarity around what your current relationships are here to teach you
“Core” sphere (same as “Vocation” sphere): to find clarity around the biggest theme at the center of what’s undermining deeper love/connection with self and others
“Vocation” sphere: to find clarity about the unique lesson you’ve lived that will inspire the work you’re meant to do in the world
“Culture” sphere: to find clarity about the the way to attract your prosperous allies in your career
“Brand” sphere (same as “Life’s Work” sphere): to find clarity about your zone of genius and how you can best connect with others
“Culture” sphere: to find clarity about the way to attract prosperous work connections, customers, or collaborators
“Pearl” sphere: to find clarity about the way you’re uniquely wired to be in service to others and therefore, attract prosperity
Health & Wellbeing
“Radiance” sphere: to find clarity about what enhances the state of your overall health
“IQ” sphere: to find clarity about what influences the baseline state of your mental health
“EQ” sphere: to find clarity about what influences the baseline state of your emotional health
“SQ” sphere: to find clarity about what influences the baseline state of your physical health
For now, simply familiarize yourself with the process of identifying an area of focus and connecting it to a specific sphere in your profile for further contemplation and transformation. Notice what’s already coming up for you simply by doing this.
In the next series of posts, you’ll learn how to explore your shadow, embody the gift, and access the siddhi of the gene keys in your profile using brain retraining strategies.
If you simply have no idea what area of focus you need in any given moment, always default to working with your “Life’s Work” or “Evolution” spheres in your profile. They’ll be recurring patterns showing up in your life time after time to help you evolve into all you’re here to be and do in your life.
This is an exciting huge next step to connecting the dots in your life consistently and leveraging anything life throws your way to help you thrive to the fullest!
In love ❤️ and so excited to bring this amazing-ness into my life!