Intro to The Gene Keys
Learn what The Gene Keys system is all about and why it’s been a missing link in your growth journey.
So what really is The Gene Keys system? Is it spiritual or scientific? And why is it at the forefront of this Connect the Dots method and experience?
These are the questions we’re going to answer today so you understand the value this system has to offer you, no matter how familiar or new you are to the system. If you think it’s just another self-discovery tool, I’m here to debunk that for you! Discover why it’s a missing link to making the most of your life experiences and path.
The Gene Keys system is a self-awareness tool informed by both scientific and spiritual theories that labels and defines the universal evolutionary patterns of behavior built into your genes. Using this tool helps you change your default survival responses into patterns that help you thrive. You’ll not only gain awareness of these patterns through this system, but learn why they exist to protect you and how to overcome your default tendency to let fear step into the driver’s seat of your life.
Core idea: Your perception and attitude toward life is what programs your DNA and shapes your life experience. The study of epigenetics and recent scientific findings show us that we aren’t just a victim of our genes, and instead we can enhance our well-being, life experience, and self-expression through how we think, feel, and act. We have power to affect inner and outer change, so let’s use it!
Richard Rudd, the founder, studied philosophy and esoteric universal knowledge. In his studies, he was most drawn to the Chinese I’Ching, a 5,000+ year old text that charts the seasons and cycles of change and life. It’s structure is startlingly identical to the human genetic code and the book appeared to truly represent the code of life.
He was then introduced to Human Design and studied alongside the founder, Ra Uru Hu, learning the connection between astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, and other scientific disciplines to personalize this code of life (I’Ching) to individuals so they can understand the meaning behind their life’s patterns and path.
Ultimately, this study led to Richard Rudd’s own breakthrough and led to The Gene Keys, which deepen the application of the I’Ching’s 64 patterns of life and how they exist within our human consciousness on a spectrum from lower to high frequencies. In other words, he defined the scope of the human experience — from living in fear (low) states to living in trust (high) states and how that affects us and our potential.
Ex: Gene Key 4 — We all know the experience of being intolerant (of ourselves, others, the world). The Gene Keys defines “intolerance” as a low frequency state, where we view others or things in a limited, biased lens and push them away based on fear of what we’re afraid to see, experience, or feel due to societal conditioning. The opposite, higher frequency of this pattern is “forgiveness” where we see the humanity or depth of a person or situation and can therefore have compassion for and forgive for how it is, even if it doesn’t change. The way to shift from a state of intolerance to forgiveness is through the frequency of “understanding.” When we seek to understand why something is the way it is or why someone acts the way they do, we soften and our heart opens. The context of understanding washes away the fear and we can see things more clearly, and ultimately, even forgive things that we don’t agree with or support. Our nervous systems as a result get out of the fight-or-flight of intolerance and release the tension that comes with the low frequency, our DNA gets that signal, and as a result, we feel well or at peace, even if things around us are still challenging. This is the transformation potential.
The System
The Gene Keys are a codebook of 64 genetic evolutionary patterns in our DNA. The frequency of these patterns fluctuates based on our state of consciousness. Our attitude and perception can change what type of frequency patterns we make habitual. So what are these frequencies and how does the system define them?
Each of the 64 gene keys has 3 words that label the shadow, gift, and siddhi of that gene key:
The Shadow frequency is always rooted in fear, mental projection, societal/cultural conditioning, and primitive survival instincts. It exists to protect us, but is currently limiting us as evolved beings who are trying to strive for more than just survival (ex: “intolerance” for gene key 4).
The Gift frequency is the key or gateway out of the shadow. This is the remedy, in a way, to reprogram the fear within us and embody greater trust, openness, vulnerability, authenticity, resilience, and creativity… all things needed to thrive (ex: “understanding” for gene key 4).
The Siddhi frequency is the natural byproduct of embodying the gift and letting go of the shadow consistently. It’s the highest expression of what we have the capacity to be as human beings and souls. It’s us operating at our most pure, authentic, connected, and whole selves when we’re detached from fear (ex: “forgiveness” for gene key 4).
Science & Spirituality
This system is applicable and relevant for everyone, no matter what your beliefs or background. While it synthesizes both scientific and spiritual theories, the way we’ll connect with and apply it in the Connect the Dots method is universal, tangible, and strategic. Below, I wanted to address both types of approaches you can take to your experience with The Gene Keys.
Scientific-first approach: Every single gene key articulates relatable and universal series of patterns in the human experience. Using this system to label and therefore become aware of those patterns is empowering and liberating. This awareness alone can lead to breakthroughs, but additionally you can use these patterns to help you shift your nervous system to release fear and associate safety with your authentic self-expression and life’s direction.
Spiritual-first approach: You have a personalized Hologenetic profile that uses the astrological system and Chinese I’Ching to determine which of the 64 gene keys are meant to be the most significant in your life’s journey to help you evolve and reach your potential. This approach takes a creative, open-minded, soulful approach to exploring the notion that your soul is predestined to navigate specific patterns to evolve in your self-expression, relationships, career, health, and wealth.
NOTE: I recommend and personally take a combined scientific and spiritual approach to using this system. Honestly, I’m not well versed in astrology because it’s never really spoken to me on a soul level. I acknowledge that it informs my personalized Hologenetic profile in The Gene Keys, though, and so I embrace the relevance and resonance it has for me through that context. Some things in my profile speak to me so specifically and accurately that I enjoy embracing the spiritual notion that my soul is here to experience those certain patterns in my profile so that I can live to my fullest capacity. To me, this is different than being defined and confined by one overarching and vague label, like being an “Aquarius.” However, I’ll still explore other gene keys that don’t show up in my profile because the universal application of each key is so relevant to all of us! I embrace the system as a whole so that I don’t stay too attached to the profile as my only source of value. I hope this helps!
The Missing Link
"Language shows us that naming an experience doesn’t give the experience more power, it gives us the power of understanding and meaning. Research shows that labeling emotional experience is related to greater self-regulation and psychosocial well-being." - Brené Brown, renowned author & researcher
In the book Atlas of the Heart, Brené Brown explains how language is tool we take for granted. She reminds us how language can open up entire universes for us, because without access to the right words, our ability to make sense of our experiences and connect with others about them is severely limited.
This is why The Gene Keys system is a secret weapon when it comes to creating change in your life. It provides a whole language to name and understand the patterns behind what you do and why you do it. With it, you have power over your life experience and path.
Trying to interpret your life experiences mentally or based on others’ perceptions is incomplete and misguided. There’s too much subjectivity and societal conditioning woven into your own and others’ biased interpretations for it to be accurate, clear, and useful. The Gene Keys provides a universal codebook to meaningfully decode what you’re going through and find the guidance you need to shift mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially for the better.
Whether you’re experiencing chronic physical or emotional pain, persistent anxiety or depression, relationship distress, self-consciousness, low confidence or motivation, a sense of feeling lost or directionless, lacking of sense of purpose, etc… the low frequency shadow states defined in The Gene Keys is at the core of the issue(s). I discovered this for myself when trying to find answers when traditional medicine and broken systems could not help me anymore, and I’m confident you’ll find the clarity and direction you need here in Connect the Dots.
If you’re completely new to The Gene Keys, it’s essential to watch my Quick Start Guide to The Gene Keys so you can orient yourself to the foundations, philosophy, and profile. It’s also worth a watch if you want a fresh new perspective on how to look at this system in relationship to your nervous system. All of the videos are linked below: