Intro to Polyvagal Theory
Learn what Polyvagal Theory is all about and why it's been a missing link in your growth journey.
So what is Polyvagal Theory? What does it really have to do with The Gene Keys? Why is it such an integral, foundational part of the Connect the Dots method?
These are some of the questions we’re going to answer here today. If you’re plugged into the growth, wellness, and health spaces online, you’ve likely heard about the nervous system. It’s a hot topic right now because we have a better grasp now than ever before on how the state of our nervous system is undeniably linked to our core beliefs, emotional patterns, and stored trauma in our bodies. The more we know our body, the more power we can use to influence how we feel and what we make possible in our lives. Ready to dive in?
Have you read The Connect the Dots Method and Intro to The Gene Keys posts yet?
Be sure to start there before diving in so you can connect-the-dots with what you’re about to learn 🤓
One powerful, proven perspective on mastering your mind-body connection is Polyvagal Theory, founded by psychologist and neuroscientist, Stephen Porges, PhD. Polyvagal Theory is a science-based understanding of the structure and function of our autonomic nervous system (ANS) and specifically the role of the vagus nerve in self-regulation, our fear and trauma responses, social connection, and emotional agility. This theory helps simplify and clarify how your mind and body are either supporting or hindering you from living life as you desire based on your learned nervous system patterns.
By understanding Polyvagal Theory and its application to your life, you’ll be able to leverage your influence over your nervous system and the vague nerve so you can self-regulate on demand (and ultimately shift from the low to high frequencies of the gene keys in your DNA). Pretty cool, right? Let’s dive into the theory in depth!
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates your vital functions (heart rate, breathing, immune system, etc.), emotional state, and overall health. It works on autopilot to regulate these functions so you don’t have to think about it.
Previously, our ANS was believed to have two overarching states: sympathetic and parasympathetic. However, Polyvagal Theory asserts there are 3 states: ventral vagal (parasympathetic), sympathetic, and dorsal vagal (parasympathetic). We are going to refer to these 3 states as “zones” moving forward and it’s essential to know that you’re always moving in and out of these zones to survive and thrive. Let’s break down what these zones look and feel like…
The ANS Zones
THE GREEN ZONE [Parasympathetic Ventral Vagal]
The Zone of SAFETY
Known by most as a state of “rest & digest”
Socially connected & communicative
Feeling settled & mindful
Curious, open-minded, ready to learn, in flow
Essential for health body function
The nervous system is at ease, it doesn't feel threatened and it can use it's resources for thrive functions rather than just survival functions. You have full access to your brain’s capacity for creativity, problem solving, reasoning, effective communication, empathy, compassion, etc.
Examples: bonding with loved ones, in a work flow, engaging in creative activity
THE YELLOW ZONE [Sympathetic]
The Zone of STRESS
Known by most as a state of “fight or flight”
Living on adrenaline & tunnel vision
Feeling panic, worry, frustration, or anger
Hypersensitive to others & environment
Lowers immune response & stressfully impacts vital functions
The nervous system's resources are activated to mobilize for self-protection, ramping up resources to utilize to survive. Limited access to higher level functions that aren’t essential for immediate survival (ex: creativity, problem solving, reasoning, effective communication, empathy, compassion, etc.).
Examples: conflict with others, giving a presentation, working for hours with no break
THE RED ZONE [Parasympathetic Dorsal Vagal]
The Zone of SHUTDOWN
Known by most as a state of “freeze or fawn”
Numb or disassociated (zoned out)
Feeling depressed, stuck, or hopeless
Complete overwhelm & disconnection
Lowers immune response & slows down vital functions
The nervous system's resources have been maxed out so it immobilizes you out of self-protection to rehabilitate, conserve energy, and restore to survive. Higher level functions that help you thrive are shutdown and mostly inaccessible.
Examples: avoidance of work/responsibilities, numbing out with TV, hard to get out of bed
We’re wired to move in and out of these 3 zones and even blend states at certain times depending on what the circumstances are. The goal isn’t to stay in the Green Zone all of the time, the goal is nervous system flexibility. Moving in and out of these survive and thrive states is the KEY.
However, based on our ancestral, societal, and cultural trauma and conditioning, we internalize patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that lock us into the Yellow Zone or Red Zone the majority of the time. Again, back to the original teachings in the The Connect the Dots Method post, we have the capacity to be in the Green Zone and thrive but we need to rewire our nervous system to feel safe to…well, feel safe. We’re so accustomed to defaulting to the Yellow and Red Zones to survive that these states become familiar to us and trick us into feeling a false sense of safety, but we need to cultivate flexibility in our nervous systems to fully thrive in the Green Zone.
We’re going to apply these concepts in way more depth very soon. For now, it’s important to understand that you can use this information already to just gain awareness as to where you’re at in your nervous system at any given moment. This awareness will allow you to determine what’s needed in order to get back to or sustain a Green Zone state… the state of openness, creativity, flow, possibility, connection.
The Ladder Effect
One key aspect to understand about Polyvagal Theory is that it asserts that we move through the 3 zones of the ANS like a ladder. This means that we have to pass through the Yellow Zone to get to and from the Green and Red Zones.
Why does this newfound realization matter? Because it means that depending on which zone you’re in, you’ll need to give your nervous system a different type of “fuel” to self-regulate effectively! Yes, this means that not every stress state can be resolved with meditation, box breathing, or yoga, for example. You need to know what your body needs and then give it the right tool for the moment. The CTD method will teach you how to leverage this insight so you optimize you nervous system on-demand!
Connection to The Gene Keys
The Gene Keys is a codebook of 64 genetic evolutionary patterns in your DNA. By shifting your perception around and response to what you’re experiencing, you can positively affect the potential activate in your genes. If you recall, each gene key has three frequencies of consciousness that you fluctuate between on a day to day:
The Shadow = your survival pattern
The Gift = the key to create change
The Siddhi = your thrive pattern
With Polyvagal Theory, now you’ll understand how these frequencies you embody affect the state of your nervous system:
The Shadow = embodying this frequency will trigger the Yellow and Red Zones of your nervous system, keeping you feeling stuck while in survival mode.
The Gift = embodying this frequency will rewire a sense of safety in your nervous system related to the situation, person, or environment that triggers your shadow… this frequency will help establish nervous system flexibility using the CTD method.
The Siddhi = embodying the frequency will trigger the Green Zone of your nervous system, keeping you feeling safe while thriving and evolving.
It’s all interconnected! By using the tools and insights you’ll gain through the CTD method here, you’ll learn how to begin defaulting to higher frequencies that regulate your nervous system and give you full access to your genetic potential, brain function, and depth of connection with others/the world around you. The shadows are currently keeping you shut down and disconnected, but through neuroplasticity and mind-body rewiring techniques, you can change your reality. The Gene Keys language and the Polyvagal Theory concepts will break open your self-awareness and ability to shift your state on-demand.
The Missing Link
You can gain awareness about your survival patterns through The Gene Keys, but if you don’t really know what’s going on in your nervous system or how to feel safe embodying the gift/siddi frequencies, then you’ll continue to default to the shadow frequencies and stay stuck. This is why fusing these two systems together to inform how to approach your life will empower you to turn any challenges you face into fuel for your fulfillment and success.
This post is just laying the foundation for your understanding. We’ll learn how to apply and integrate these teachings soon! For now, take the time to understand what this means and how your nervous system is currently operating. I promise, it’ll all come together and transform your life in ways you cant even imagine right now 🧬