49th Gene Key Breakdown
Learn about the 49th gene key theme, it's role in your behavior, & how you can use this awareness to transform your life.
In order to take advantage of the CTD Method and how it works, you must know what each Gene Key really means and how it relates to you. In the CTD membership, there will be a post and podcast episode for each Gene Key, breaking down the themes so you can relate it to your life as clearly as possible. This material is different than The Gene Keys book published by the founder, Richard Rudd. I highly recommend you have his book on hand as it provides the original teachings of each Gene Key, which is far more in depth.
The posts like this, however, are meant to translate the material to help it make more sense. Often there are reports that the book feels dense or confusing, so I want to use my personal interpretation, with yeeears of exploring The Gene Keys, personal development, and neuro-psychology, to inform of what each Gene Key is all about.
If you ever have any questions about a specific Gene Key and something that’s listed in the post, or requests as to what you’d like to see in these posts to help you even more, than let me know! For now, each Gene Key will be highlighted in a written post, podcast episode with a guest feature of someone with that specific Gene Key, and a case study to showcase how people are exploring these themes in their life.
One Gene Key will be dropped each week following the dates of the Chinese I’Ching calendar! So stay tuned for when yours make an appearance 👀
Gene Key 49
Central Theme
The central theme of the 49th gene key is to shift from a state of Reaction to Revolution to Rebirth. This Gene Key was formulated from our species’ tribal fears for survival that have kept people in a reactive state to one another and their environments. The evolutionary purpose of the Shadow of Reaction has been to be able to kill other living beings (like animals or people) to survive. If we are blinded with an emotional charge to protect ourselves (Reaction), it’s easier to justify a cruel act of taking a life. As we’ve evolved from needing this genetic pattern to survive, the Shadow of Reaction has evolved to the Gift of Revolution in order to work to upgrade our systems of emotional regulation and connection with others so that we can exist in harmony and collective well-being.
Shadow: Reaction
The Shadow of a Gene Key is a genetic evolutionary survival pattern that is fueled by fear to protect you. Naming and understanding the shadow’s purpose helps you recognize the role that pattern is playing in your life so you can change it.
The 49th Shadow of “Reaction” is a relatable one that you can often perceive more clearly in others than you can in yourself. Reaction is an instinctive sensitivity to a perceived threat, prompting you to spring into defense in order to protect yourself. It’s a knee-jerk reaction to something outside of you. As we’ve evolved as human beings, this instinct to react has evolved from primarily physical protection to primarily social-emotional protection. This is because our survival and safety depends more now on the stability of our relationships/connections as opposed to fighting off predators in the wild.
According to Richard Rudd, when the Shadow of Reaction is active in your genes, “your raw emotions will absolutely rule your life and the decisions that shape your life.” This will play out in the context of your relationships, as there is no reaction without a relationship dynamic between you and something else.
“The fuel of Reaction is the fear of rejection.”
Rejection by others feels so threatening because it makes you feel severed from the unity and belonging you seek as a part if an interdependent species. Interdependent means we depend on others to survive and thrive. Even if we feel like we’re fiercely independent, we could not be here without other people: from the food that’s harvested and shipped, to the inventions that make our lives safer, to healthcare workers, and more.
The emotional charge that sparks from any threat of rejection from others triggers the Shadow of Reaction to bubble up inside of you. Usually the reactive response isn’t helpful or logical, but that’s because the reaction is a moment of desperation to try to gain control and influence so you’re not rejected. As we’ve evolved as humans, our reactivity has become less primal and more socially refined… but it’s still there! If you respond, take action, or make a change in real-time in response to someone or something else, the Shadow of Reaction is present.
Repressive Nature: Inert
The repressive nature of a Shadow is the freeze/fawn response to fear in your nervous system. Inert means lacking vigor or strength to act. So this looks like shutting down in your nervous system to the point where you hardly react, if at all. There’s a lack of aliveness within as a protective response not to feel the painful or uncomfortable experience of Reaction and the consequences. Embodying this nature creates a false sense of stability and well-being because you may seem regulated, but your life force is actually shut down and repressed to avoid vulnerability.
Reactive Nature: Rejecting
The reactive nature of a Shadow is the fight/flight response to fear in your nervous system. Rejecting is the default response for people who want to push away the possibility of getting rejected before it happens to them. Maintaining committed relationships is a challenge, as the closer and more vulnerable you get with others, the stronger the fear becomes within you. In order to escape this discomfort, you will sabotage the connection or create distance in some way for a false sense of safety.
Gift: Revolution
The Gift of a Gene Key is the evolved genetic pattern beyond the Shadow that, when embodied, works as a remedy to reprogram the fear within your nervous system and release the Shadow’s hold on you. Embodying the Gift helps you relearn safety to live from trust instead of fear and therefore, reach your potential in any area of life.
The 49th Gift of “Revolution” is an inner state that embodies the essence of what revolution is all about. Revolution is overthrowing the old to make way for the new. It happens as a response to recognizing that the old systems or ideologies are no longer serving its intended purpose and must be changed quickly in order to give birth to a better approach.
This Gift of Revolution takes hold once you become aware of and acknowledge the thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, habits, etc. within you that are no longer working for you. It takes hold when you stop letting yourself be reactive to life and reclaim your power to do something about wha triggers you. In an area of life that feels stuck, unfulfilling, or even harmful, what system(s) are you operating off of? Is it serving you or is it begging for a dramatic overhaul?
“At a high frequency its purpose becomes the destruction of all things of a lower frequency. This is the ideal archetype of revolution.”
By embodying this Gift, you can embody the strength to confront what needs to change by knowing and accepting that it’ll bring destruction with it; however, that very destruction is the key to give space for something new to be born within and around you. This Gift makes you equipped to continually revolutionize your health, relationships, career, and lifestyle as you evolve.
If this Gift is in your profile, you likely have a revolutionary spirit to you, meaning that you have a strong sense of the limitations humanity has because of its inability to operate past the Shadow of Reaction. You’re skilled at seeing how to overthrow the old way of things while preserving the elements that work well, both in your personal life and the systems within your community.
Siddhi: Rebirth
The Siddhi of Gene Key is the evolved thrive pattern in your DNA and the natural byproduct of embodying the gift and letting go of the shadow consistently. It’s the highest expression of what we have the capacity to be as human beings and souls. It’s us operating at our most pure, authentic, connected, and whole selves when we’re detached from fear.
The 49th Siddhi of “Rebirth” is the essence of being able to truly recreate a new operating system within and/or around you. After the Revolution happens, what is left of the destruction? Someone who is trusting in their intuitive deconstruction of the old can reintegrate the pieces to make a whole new being.
The experience of this Siddhi, like all Siddhis, is a deep level of piece and safety within your being. While you are still human, experiencing the spectrum of emotional charges from day to day life, you are no longer reactive. You can discern what warrants a response from you and how to best respond given the circumstances. Your new operating system and level of embodied awareness not only serves you, but every single person or entity you come into contact with. This is how we continue to evolve as a collective species! Our Rebirth is never just for us, but for the many, so we all may thrive at a higher level.
Dilemma: Needs
The Dilemma of a Gene Key is an influential factor that will keep you stuck in the Shadow if you don’t become aware of it.
The 49th Dilemma of “Needs” is the reality that you will be more emotionally reactive to others and your environment if your needs are not met. When you find yourself being particularly reactive in any given moment, ask yourself what need that reaction is associated with. When we don’t prioritize and meet our needs, we have less capacity available to help us withstand the stressors of every day life. Notice what your needs are and explore why they aren’t met and how you can make adjustments to satisfy those needs effectively.
Related Survival Archetypes
Survival Archetypes are behavioral archetypes that show up in the human experience based on our 4 main survival responses: fight, flight, freeze, fawn. When you know how your survival instincts are showing up in any situation, you can then pinpoint which gene keys may be most useful to work with. Below are the Survival Archetypes that are most closely related to the 49th Gene Key, meaning if this gene key is in your profile or speaks to you, then it’s likely you’re leaning into one of these patterns of behavior below.
The Restless
This is a “flight” survival response in the nervous system. The Restless is someone who’s wired to seek stimulation and distract from challenges in order to feel safe. Their focus shifts to staying busy or being reactive to life, so distraction constantly becomes essential for survival. Learn more in the Archetype Atlas.
The Perfectionist
This is a “freeze” survival response in the nervous system. The Perfectionist is someone who is wired to seek order and aim for ideal conditions in the face of challenges in order to feel safe. Their focus shifts to gaining control through organization and order, so creating predictability and limiting risk becomes essential for survival. Learn more in the Archetype Atlas.
Next Steps With Gene Key 49
Once you have a better understanding of this gene key’s purpose and themes, you can integrate that insight into the Connect the Dots Method - Path 1 (using your personal profile) or Path 2 (using Chrissy’s science-based Survival Archetypes).
The whole purpose of working the gene keys is to give you the awareness and language to rewire your nervous system to associate safety with the evolved higher states (Gift & Siddhi) as opposed to the default fear-based Shadow state you’re used to. By using the CTD Method with consistency and repetition, you develop greater trust to experience your authenticity, wholeness, fulfillment, and potential.